Sport England funds London sports project
4 June 2013 at 00:00:00
Sport England has recently announced £249,000 of National Lottery funding, as part of the Community Sport Activation Fund, for a London-based sports project called 'Getting Ready'.
The 'Getting Ready' project aims to help each young Londoner to get involved and develop a life-long passion for sport. The Federation of London Youth Clubs, who is delivering the project, will provide 60 youth clubs with a bespoke 'sports' offer which has been chosen by young people in their local community and reach out to young people who have become disengaged from school or the national governing body. The project aims to capture the interest of nearly 5,000 young people through taster session, keep them engaged in a 10-week programme and then provide the pathways to coaching qualification and volunteering opportunities.
The 'Getting Ready' project has been funded through the first of five rounds of the Community Sport Activation Fund, which aims to invest a total of £40 million in local sports projects. Bids for the second round of funding are now being accepted, so if you are a community group, charity who requires funding for a local sports project, you can bid for between £50,000 and £250,000 over 3 years. The second round of funding bids will close on 1 July 2013 and you can get further details of the fund here