Statement on the John Howard Centre
5 November 2014 at 00:00:00
In light of the recent escape from the John Howard Centre, I thought I would provide an update on the situation.
After raising my concerns with East London NHS Foundation Trust, I have been assured that a Serious Incident Investigation is taking place and following this I will have further discussions with the Trust.
Public safety must always be the highest priority for the John Howard Centre. This is not the first time a patient has absconded and serious questions still remain unanswered.
The Centre deals with some of the most challenging individuals, not only are they criminals but they have serious mental health problems. However, whilst rehabilitation is good, public protection should be the highest priority. Lose support on public protection and rehabilitation won't be possible.
I will continue to follow the progress of the investigation into these escapes and will seek to ensure that any outcomes of the investigation are followed through.