I again raised the need for Valerie’s Law in Parliament. Those who face domestic violence should all be treated with support and care regardless of ethnic or cultural background. I will continue to fight for justice for Valerie and her infant daughter.

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This article was first published in the Hackney Gazette. To read the latest edition, see here

A big welcome to the new Mayor of Hackney – Caroline Woodley. She is a formidable campaigner, dedicated public servant, and tireless champion of Hackney. I know she will always protect and fight for Hackney.

But after thirteen years of Conservative government, austerity, and deep cuts to local authority budgets, she inherits a tough situation.

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This article was first published in the Hackney Gazette. To read the latest edition, see here

The Prime Minister’s announced he is axing the rail line from Birmingham to Manchester. This may seem like a long way from Hackney but it’s a symptom of a bigger problem.

Over the last 13 years we’ve seen a lack of investment in the fabric of our public services - schools, hospitals and housing alone have been neglected.

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This article was first published in the Hackney Gazette. To read the latest edition, see here

Nearly a quarter of Hackney’s children live in poverty. When housing costs are taken into account, this figure rises to almost half. These figures are appalling, and pressure continues to mount on families with the cost of living crisis. I regularly speak to parents who are worried about their children’s futures, and how they can support them to get on in life in the current climate.

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I voted against the Government’s Illegal Migration Bill. However, due to the Government’s majority it passed its remaining Commons stages anyway. The Bill is now in the House of Lords – further updates will be available here. This process usually takes weeks, but the Government rushed the Bill through in just a few hours. Legislation with such huge ramifications for vulnerable asylum seekers deserves proper scrutiny; I am deeply disappointed that the Government refused to let MPs review the Bill effectively.

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People need a safe, secure and long-term home as the foundation for their life and the springboard for opportunity.

That means home ownership must not be an out of reach dream for people in Hackney.

And it means better rights and stability for private tenants.

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When it comes to asylum, the Home Office is the worst I’ve seen it in 18 years.

As a result, asylum seekers are living in appalling and dangerous accommodation.

Watch me press the Immigration Minister on when we will see any improvement.

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