Cash boost for Hackney families backed by Meg Hillier
Labour’s Meg Hillier has backed a pay rise for many Hackney residents this year.
From October 2005, the Labour Government has increased the national minimum wage to £5.05 an hour – and has fixed a further increase to £5.35 in October 2006.
Meg, Labour’s parliamentary candidate for Hackney South, said: “The National Minimum Wage first introduced by Labour in 1997 has a guaranteed pay rise, year on year, for over 90,000 of the lowest paid workers in London which rises to more than 100,000 next year.
“Combined with tax credits and benefit reforms many families in Hackney and Shoreditch are much better off.
“Of all those who benefit 70 per cent are women. This makes a big difference to the lives of many families and children in Hackney.
“I have pledged that I will continue to support the minimum wage to ensure fairness alongside flexibility so that the most vulnerable are supported and are not left behind.”
There are now two million more people in work and the success of the economy means there are more opportunities for people to work, with vacancies remaining high.
Meg added: “I am also pleased that the youth rate for 18-21 year olds will rise to £4.25 in October 2005 and £4.45 in October 2006.
“And thanks to Labour’s new tax credits – the Working Tax Credit and the Child Tax Credit – working families are much better off.”
By April these will ensure that: a couple aged 25 or over with no children and one full time earner is guaranteed £198 a week; and a family with one child and one full time earner is guaranteed £258 a week.
For more information, contact Ian Rathbone 07890 654 068