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EU Referendum - Stronger In



Today we have an important – and irreversible - choice to make about Britain's future.

If we remain in the EU we have a place at the table. I have, in the past, been at this table working to ensure that foreign criminals could be brought to face justice in the UK, to ensure cooperation to protect children and vulnerable people and to help secure our borders by sharing information about terrorists.

Being in the EU gives rights to minimum paid leave, rights for agency workers, paid maternity and paternity leave, equal pay, anti-discrimination laws, and protection for the workforce when companies change ownership. Leaving the EU would hit working people in Britain hard. It would put their jobs and rights at work at risk.

This is not a referendum about the Government or immigration but a one way ticket to isolation and a decade of complex negotiations with no certainty about the outcome. It may not be perfect but if we're outside we have no influence.

I strongly support the UK remaining in the EU.

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