Living wage
Meg questioned Nick Clegg at Prime Minister Question Time about the number of Liberal Democrat Councils pay the living wage.
Hackney Council is an accredited living wage employer. To receive this accreditation employers need to ensure that all direct and indirect employees (those who work for contractors) receive a living wage of £8.30 per hour.
The Deputy Prime Minister, Nick Clegg, was standing in for the Prime Minister who was on a tour of the Middle East. Meg asked the Deputy Prime Minister to reiterate his support for the Living Wage by informing the House of how many Liberal Democrat councils pay the Living Wage to its employees.
(See full text below)
Meg Hillier: The Deputy Prime Minister tells us that he supports the living wage and the increase announced on Monday. Can he tell us how many Lib Dem councils pay the living wage?
The Deputy Prime Minister: As the hon. Lady knows"”[ Interruption. ]
Mr Speaker: Order. The hon. Lady has asked the Deputy Prime Minister a question. I hope that hon. Members will have the courtesy to listen to the answer. I certainly want to hear it.
The Deputy Prime Minister: As the hon. Lady knows, her own leader has said that this is a voluntary process by which we need to encourage councils and employers in the public and private sectors to pay the living wage. No one will disagree with the idea of a living wage, with people being paid a fair wage for a fair day's work, but there is a lot of extra work to be done to make that a reality. But guess what? It is this Government's tax changes that will mean that as of next April someone on the minimum wage will have their income tax cut by half.