meg's weekly round-up: Friday 21 April 2023
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At my surgeries I am constantly seeing the effects of our shortage in housing. Despite the Mayor of Hackney building as many council homes as he can, we are now seeing people being sent as far away as Peterborough for temporary accommodation. The Government has missed every target it set itself on housing. This is unsustainable. We need a national government programme that actually delivers on building new homes.
The Public Accounts Committee looked at the NHS's mental health services in two public hearings this week. While there are some impressive elements, there is still a very long way to go on an issue that affects one in four adults in their lifetimes.
The Committee also published its report on the Ministry of Defence's Equipment Plan. This is the ten-year rolling plan of major projects that the Ministry is trying to deliver. Once again, the committee found a gap between the amount of money available, and the amount needed to deliver. We're really pressing the Government to relook at how it does procurement for defence. To read the report, see here, and for a summary, see here.