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Meg's Weekly Round-Up: Friday 24 September

Blog entry


I challenged officials from the Department for Business, Energy, and Industrial Strategy over the collapse of energy suppliers and the steep hike in energy prices. This sharp rise in prices is on top of the increase in National Insurance and the £20 per week Universal Credit cut. It means households are being hit hard and the Government must step up with a plan to address this. See here to watch my questions in full.

I challenged the Government directly on young black unemployment. In the final quarter of 2020, 42 per cent of young black people were unemployed; this compares to 12 per cent for young white people. I pressed the Government on this in the House of Commons and urged it to act so that we don’t see the additional scarring of another generation of young black people. See here to watch my question in full. As you can see, the Minister’s response failed to explain why the Government does not understand the root causes behind this difference. I’m continuing to press the Government to act on this growing inequality. All our young people need support to get back into work but this difference shows a bigger underlying inequality.

Also I guested on the Environmental Audit Committee looking at net zero issues. We challenged ministers over what support they are providing so local authorities deliver on net zero targets. Hackney Council is doing an excellent job delivering on its green initiatives but not every council is doing the same. We need to see local government better supported as they are a vital part in achieving a cleaner, greener planet.

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