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Meg's weekly round-up: Friday 8 January

Blog entry


I have just been briefed by the Director of Public Health for London and senior NHS colleagues.
The rate of the virus is very high in London, which is now in a state of emergency. The COVID infection rate is over 1000 per 100,000 people which is much higher than at any time in the last 10 months. In North East London one in twenty people has the virus.
This weekend is critical.

Yesterday there were 60 remaining beds for patients in critical care. Overnight 70 patients were admitted. The clear advice from public health directors in Hackney and London is that all unnecessary contact outside the home must be avoided and to wear a face mask to support those who need to go to work. It is vital we work together to reduce transmission so that we protect the NHS, protect each other, and save lives. 

In my round-up I also discuss why I abstained on the Brexit vote, vaccine distribution in Hackney, and the Government's cack-handed and chaotic closure of schools. See the video above for further details.

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