Meg Hillier MP welcomes Government national knives amnesty
A nationwide knives amnesty will be held between 24 May and 30 June backed up by a tough police enforcement campaign to drive home the message that carrying knives is not acceptable.
Meg endorsed the drive to tackle knife crime and violence in Hackney and across the UK.
Meg said:
“This is a chance for people to get rid of knives and remove the threat they become when used in an argument.
“It can be difficult to know what to do if you want to get a knife out of your home. This makes it easier.
“With the tragic death of another schoolboy in London we are sorely reminded of young Robert Levy who died while trying to stop a fight. An amnesty is only the first step. We need to look closely at how to protect our children, both in school and outside it.”
The amnesty will target those who carry knives and offensive weapons. A public campaign supporting the amnesty will urge people to hand in their knives during the five week period, when they will be immune from prosecution for possessing them.
The Violent Crime Reduction Bill, currently before Parliament, will strengthen the laws on knives still further.
Knife deposit bins can be located in the front of Stoke Newington police station on Stoke Newington High Street and Hackney police station on Lower Clapton Road. Bins will also be placed in Shoreditch, Homerton, Kingsland and Stoke Newington fire stations.
The identity of anyone surrendering knives will remain anonymous.