Meg urges Hackney residents to look after their hearts
A poll conducted for the British Heart Foundation shows that fewer than one in ten of the general public in London have the skills to save a life.
Just nine per cent of Londoners have trained voluntarily in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). Meg is urging Hackney residents to sign up for a free course to learn what to do in a life-threatening emergency.
Meg said, ‘Coronary heart disease is the second biggest killer in Hackney. If you are experiencing chest pain you should call 999. And why not go a course to learn what to do in an emergency – it could save a life.’
The British Heart Foundation run free Heartstart UK courses to teach members of the public what to do in a life-threatening emergency. For more information, and to find a course in your area, visit or email If you do not have email or internet access, call 020 7487 7115.