Take 5 - 5 Places to Volunteer
Blog entry
‘Take 5’
5 Places to Volunteer
Welcome to my new regular feature where I outline my own ‘top 5 suggestions’ for events, activities, and opportunities in Hackney South & Shoreditch. This week: ‘5 Places to Volunteer’.
There are many charities, organisations, and events in Hackney that depend on the goodwill of volunteers to keep running. Here is just a small selection of the many opportunities to give back to our Hackney community. If any of these suggestions pique your interest, please click the respective link to find out more and get in touch.
Bump Buddy (Shoreditch Trust)
Bump Buddy volunteers are a team of locally recruited and trained mothers (or grandmothers) who work as mentors for young mothers-to-be or mothers at the beginning of parenthood. Find out more here.
Brocals (City and Hackney Carers Centre)
Hackney ‘Brocals’ is a brand-new project that concentrates on tackling isolation and loneliness in men aged 50+ through community trips and a buddying system pairing local people based on their shared likes, interests, experiences and geography. Find out more here.
Hackney Half Marathon (Virgin Sport)
The Hackney half-marathon takes place in May and there are multiple volunteer roles available, from running the Bag Drop, to handing out medals, or even directing and cheering on the runners. Find out more here.
Community Kitchen at New Kingshold Community Centre (FoodCycle Hackney)
The community kitchen here has developed the perfect recipe. Take some surplus food, add a spare kitchen, plus a friendly team of volunteers, and the result: delicious meals for hungry guests welcomed into a friendly community environment. Find out more here.
Free Cakes for Kids Hackney (FCFK Hackney)
FCFK Hackney matches families in need with passionate home bakers so that every Hackney child can share a birthday cake with their family and friends. Volunteer by baking delicious cakes or help with the logistics if baking is not your thing. Find out more here.
These are just a taste of the many volunteering opportunities in Hackney.
The Volunteer Centre Hackney matches volunteer opportunities with your own interests. Click here for more.