In June, 36 households lost their homes in a fire that tore through their building on Dalston Lane.
Residents left their homes with only the clothes on their backs, many were barefoot. Thankfully, all residents escaped but the impact on their lives is significant. From the moment they ran to safety their lives have been on hold and their future uncertain.
The impact of a fire in the roof of this low-rise block is not just the fire and smoke damage but the water that has ruined most of what the flames did not reach.
The support in the days that followed was always going to be a challenge but the long-term impacts on those affected is not discussed enough. The aftermath of the Grenfell tragedy shone a light on the devastation for those who survive a catastrophic fire.
The costs are significant. Many people in Hackney South and Shoreditch do not have contents insurance, hoping the worst will never happen. On Dalston Lane some people had cancelled insurance because of the cost-of-living crisis.
Their experience since the fire underlines why I am campaigning for it to be a requirement for landlords to have a wider set of plans to help tenants in the aftermath of a fire or other crisis. After the immediate evacuation and support plan there also needs to be coordinated wider support to help people rebuild their lives.
Peabody Housing has found every tenant somewhere to stay but ten are still living in temporary accommodation that is not self-contained or has limited cooking facilities – typically a hotel room.
In the immediate aftermath residents had to purchase clothing and basics. Even those who are insured or receiving subsidence support from Peabody have lost most of their belongings and will need to completely refurnish their homes when they move back in – still several months away. Some are now living outside Hackney so have travel costs to work and school. In many cases precious family photos have been damaged – to restore those that have not been destroyed is costly but represent a lifetime of memories.
I am relieved that no one was hurt in this fire. But as well as supporting the residents affected I am determined that wider plans need to be a requirement for all landlords.
If you would like to help, you can donate here. A local church charity has agreed to administer the fund.